Home Forums Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry Purposeful Promotion

  • Posted by Melissa Robaina on February 8, 2023 at 4:09 pm

    Welcome to the Purposeful Promotion thread! This thread is dedicated to the sharing and promotion of member offerings, products, and services.

    Items posted to this thread must:

    • Be relevant and purposeful to The Center for Appreciative Inquiry’s learning community (i.e., strength-based books, events, products, articles, etc.); and
    • Help advance our collective understanding and knowledge of Appreciative Inquiry and its applications.


    Please remember:

    • Promotional posts made outside of this thread will be deleted.
    • Members are limited to one post per week in this thread. Additional posts made in this thread within a one-week span will be removed. This is to prevent spamming.

    Thank you for helping us create and maintain a space where we can share and celebrate in each other’s successes.

    Melissa Robaina replied 1 year, 7 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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