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About Tanya

Full Name:

Tanya Cruz Teller (she/ella)

Business Name:

Spaciousness Works LLC

Job Title:

Lead Alchemist

Languages Spoken:

English, Spanish


Tanya’s 20+ years experience in the international Organisation Development and DEI arena include roles as expert panelist of the Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Benchmarks, co-founder and member of several diversity think tanks. Residing in South Africa, her latest Equity+Belonging work is applying Appreciative Inquiry using a context appropriate and relational—Ubuntu ‘I am because you are’—lens that inspires inclusion and innovation, named the Appreciative Leadership Lotus Model. Tanya brings the unique skills of combining participatory convening, coaching, technology, and social media to engage the whole system in service of connecting internal wisdom with collective knowledge.

Tanya has co-authored with Diana Whitney and 7 other authors in 4 countries the AI book, “Thriving Women, Thriving World: An Invitation to Dialogue, Healing and Inspired Action” (2019).