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About Cheri

Full Name:

Cheri Torres

Business Name:

Collaborative by Design

Job Title:

Lead Catalyst

Languages Spoken:



As Lead Catalyst, Cheri partners with people to catalyze positive change in workplaces and communities. The two simple practices she introduces give leaders and teams the power to strengthen relationships, expand possibilities, and increase productivity and engagement through everyday conversation. These practices are grounded in neuroscience, positive psychology, and Appreciative Inquiry, one of the most widely used approaches for systems change. She’s worked with thousands of leaders and teams around the world to support high performance, engagement, and organizational success. 
She’s written numerous books and articles; her most recent book is a Berrett Koehler bestseller, Conversations Worth Having: Using Appreciative Inquiry to Fuel Productive and Meaningful Engagement. She’s been featured in leading media sources including Fast Company, Forbes, HR Magazine, SmartBrief,Training Industry, and Training Magazine. Her keynote presentations reach a broad range of people, including HR Directors (e.g., HRDSummit UK), organization development practitioners (e.g., OD Network), women leaders (e.g., WomanUp), youth prevention specialists (e.g., MTC-Europe), educators (e.g., the Danish Learning Festival), and individual social profit organizations and corporations. A perpetual learner, she’s accumulated a Ph.D. in Collaborative Learning, an MBA., Masters in Transpersonal Psychology, and Level II certification in Spiral Dynamics Integral.



Leadership Development

Tools and Practices for Leading a Learning Organization


Tools and practices for high performance, strength-based teams.

Culture Transformation

Using Barrett Cultural Values Assessment and Appreciative Inquiry, intentionally evolve your culture to align with your desired values.

Communication 4.0

Tools and practices to turn any conversation, even the most challenging one, into a great conversation.

Principles of Co-Creativity

Highly experiential workshop to expand a team’s ability to co-create together.

Strategic Planning

Whole system, strength-based strategic planning using the Appreciative Inquiry Approach.


South Central College

Senior Leadership Development, whole college strategic planning, teamwork and AI training for student resources, AI training for faculty and staff, integrating AI into project management, and becoming an appreciative culture

Institute of Nuclear Power Operations

Abbvie, Inc.

Leadership, team development, and movement beyond conflict

International Jewelry Industry

Jewelry Industry is working to shift the industry towards sustainable business practices and responsible sourcing. Annual summits for 100-200 people, involving every sector of the industry from around the world

Baystate Medical Center

Appreciative Leadership training and development for management, including a plan of action for individual managers and supervisors.

Meet the Geeks

Regional summit for Western North Carolina to bring the technology sector together to plan for a thriving digital economy across the region.